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New Services

Services that we are developing or piloting

During 2024 we will be working with other organisations in the sector to expand the services available to our clients. Some of these will be available soon. Others will begin later in the year. These will be piloted in eligible cases, evaluated, and then made more widely available. Please get in touch if you would like to become involved.

Working with the sector to realise our vision

We cannot bring our vision to life alone. We can only do this by working with others to ensure that the necessary services are available to our clients. We are currently working with other organisations to develop and pilot services and then make them available to our clients and others in the sector.

We will let you know early in your dispute if your case is eligible to participate in any pilots that are relevant and available to assist in resolving your dispute:

  • Peer support service for people who need support to access the dispute resolution system and legal process

  • Access to an early neutral evaluation is a confidential informal service where we use an independent, neutral person to evaluate your case by considering the facts, expert evidence, and the law

  • Access to the law so people involved in disputes are talking about the same thing, for example, the same legal text of a statute and the same relevant case law

  • Access to expert evidence so people involved in disputes can make decisions about the dispute based on independent expert evidence

  • Access to lawyers for an independent legal opinion, or to provide legal representation where necessary (for example for appeal)