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Learn about Pathways to Resolution

This service aims to empower you to make choices about how you would like to resolve your dispute. It involves a 20 to 30 minute phone call or online meeting so you can tell us what the problem is. We will discuss with you whether we can help, and if not, whether can connect you to an organisation that can assist. This service is free and confidential.

During your pathways discussion you will learn about the options that are available to you, our advocacy services, and any additional new services that may be available in your case. We aim to complete this process within a few days of you contacting us.

We know that getting started on a formal legal process can be challenging so we developed Pathways to Resolution. We start with this so that you understand your options. We know people want problems solved quickly but often do not understand the options available to them so they can make an informed choice about which pathway to follow.

Our team has been involved in tens of thousands of disputes with ACC. We use our expertise to talk to you about their options and what might work.

We talk about why we often recommend appointing an advocate and starting with conciliation to allow you to try and quickly reach an agreement without the need to wait months for a formal decision. We will explain that most disputes are resolved using this process, but that sometimes disputes cannot be resolved by agreement in which case you can continue to the more formal review process.